If you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us. At Voila-Melbourne, we do our best to ensure that our customers are 100% satisfied with the products they buy from us.

What is the return period?

You can return your order within 30 days of receiving it from us.

How long does it take to get a refund?

A full refund will be made via the same payment method the customer used. Once we have received the return, we will check that the products are in their original, saleable condition and issue a refund.

Please note that most financial institutions typically require 3-5 business days to complete a refund.

What is a dispatch receipt?

You get it from the post office when you return your item. Always keep it - it's your proof that you have returned your order.

My item is damaged/defective, what should I do?

In order for us to help you in the fastest possible way, please attach a few pictures that prove the poor quality or damaged part of the product. The most optimal pictures are taken on a flat surface with good light where the label and defect can be clearly seen. We will use this information to help you with your order and prevent errors in the future. (If you have received a damaged or faulty item, please contact us within 4 weeks of receiving the product).

Can I return my order without contacting you?

No, you need to contact us before sending your return as the return address may vary depending on where your order comes from.

Do I have to pay for the return shipping?

Yes, all customers are responsible for the return shipping costs. We recommend that you send your returns with traceability as we cannot be held responsible for lost returns.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us via email at info@voila-melbourne.com. We guarantee a response within 24 hours and we are happy to help you.